The King’s Speech 2024

The King’s Speech 2024

The King’s Speech 2024 marks the start of the new government’s legislative programme. It introduces 39 new Bills, addressing areas from planning and English devolution to renters’ and leasehold reform, infrastructure, and skills. This agenda seeks to tackle challenges in housing, energy security, and sustainability, aiming to enhance the well-being of consumers.

Planning and Infrastructure Bill

The government is keen on immediate planning reforms to boost economic growth. This Bill will modernise the National Grid, meet future housing needs, and streamline decisions on major infrastructure projects. It addresses compulsory purchase and compensation rules, specifically ‘Hope Value’ in land for affordable housing. With a target of 1.5 million new homes, RICS supports this initiative, advocating for modern local housing plans and efficient use of Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funding.

National Wealth Fund Bill

This Bill, designed to continue the levelling-up agenda, allocates £7.3 billion for transformative investments across the UK. It prioritises the industrial strategy, economic growth, and clean energy missions, including hydrogen infrastructure and carbon capture technologies. Effective cost, project management, and carbon assessments, areas where RICS members like John Burke Associates excel, are crucial for the success of these investments.

English Devolution Bill

Further devolution of powers across England will enhance local decision-making in strategic planning, transport, skills, and employment. RICS collaborates with metro mayors and combined authorities on housing decarbonisation projects, local rental charters, and planning reforms. The challenge lies in coordinating strategies across multiple local authorities, a task where RICS expertise is vital.

Great British Energy Bill

The creation of Great British Energy aims to manage and operate clean power projects. The government targets a fourfold increase in offshore wind and solar capacity and a doubling of onshore wind. The Crown Estate Bill supports this by removing restrictions on marine activities. John Burke Associates plays a key role in land acquisition, project management, and cost management for these renewable energy projects.

Skills England Bill

This Bill seeks to simplify the skills system and create Skills England to oversee apprenticeship and technical education. RICS advocates for a Built Environment Skills Taskforce to identify and plan for future housing, infrastructure, and sustainability needs.

Renters’ Rights Bill

This Bill continues efforts to reform the rental sector. It aims to end ‘no fault’ evictions and strengthen tenants’ rights while supporting landlords in cases of anti-social tenants or significant rent arrears. Expanding the Decent Homes Standard to the private rental sector is a positive step, but support for landlords is essential to prevent them from leaving the market.

Leasehold and Commonhold Reform Bill

This Bill continues reforms in leasehold rights and promotes commonholds to give residents more control over their homes. RICS recognises the benefits of commonholds but also the challenges in management. They will work with the government to support this transition and ensure a robust framework for those involved.

RICS Response

Tina Paillet FRICS, President of RICS, welcomes the planning reforms highlighted in the King’s Speech 2024. She emphasises the correlation between GDP growth and infrastructure delivery, and the importance of holistic built environment policy. The Skills England Bill is a positive move to address the skills shortage, essential for meeting housing and infrastructure targets. The Renters’ Rights Bill is also welcomed, but with a call for balance to support tenants and landlords.


In conclusion, as RICS members John Burke Associates is committed to supporting the government’s ambitious legislative agenda, providing our expertise to ensure the success of these initiatives and the delivery of a net-zero economy.

Preserving Historical Buildings

Preserving Historical Buildings

Here at John Burke Associates, we have had the pleasure of working on some of the most exquisite architecture. From innovative modern designs to sublime historical buildings, each project is enjoyable through its individual merit. For example, state-of-the-art technology used in modern construction is constantly evolving, giving developers innovative ways to build. Thus, providing project managers such as ourselves with new and exciting methodologies and process models. However, there is something about historical architecture, which is thought-provoking, when one considers architecture before technology.

Why is Historical Building Preservation Important?

In addition to the law, there is an abundance of reasons to support the preservation of historical buildings and architecture. Whilst the covenants of working on a listed building are often more complicated, the reward is also much higher. Here are a few reasons we believe preserving history is also beneficial.

Intrinsic Value

Many historic buildings play a bigger role in our communities than you may imagine. The grand designs and intricate details of older buildings were created by materials such as rare hardwood from primary forests which no longer exist. Such buildings are often focus points for towns and cities to serve as a reminder of the area’s history.

Environmental Considerations

In an era where net zero is at the forefront of the construction industry’s priorities, refurbishment is a positive step. Regenerating old buildings to give them a new lease of life saves energy resources spent on building materials, equipment, transportation, and tools. Therefore, reducing the harms of construction waste while preserving historical beauty.

Educational & Cultural Aspect

As mentioned earlier, when looking at an older building, one can’t help but appreciate the beauty created without advanced technology. These buildings are evidence of the work our forefathers and ancestors put into making our towns and cities beautiful. Restoring and preserving historical buildings and landmarks enriches the cultural values of those residing nearby. Consequently, unifying goals towards a better future whilst preserving the fundamental history of construction.

Work with an Award-Winning Team

John Burke Associates provides a comprehensive portfolio of services to our clients. Our award-winning team have worked on a variety of projects pertaining to listed buildings. Our father and son team David and Dale Hayward received the prestigious Peter Wilson Award 2022. This was given for their work on the grade 1 listed Indigo Hotel in Bath a large and complex project. Most recently Gilly Carr FICWCI, for his monumental achievement at this year’s Building on Quality Awards.

John Burke Associates Celebrates Success at Building on Quality Awards 2024

John Burke Associates Celebrates Success at Building on Quality Awards 2024

Celebrating Excellence in Construction

John Burke Associates congratulates Senior Clerk of Works, Gilly Carr FICWCI, for his monumental achievement at this year’s Building on Quality Awards. The prestigious event in Glasgow announces Gilly Carr as the Overall Winner, showcasing his dedication and exceptional skills in construction.

What are the Building on Quality Awards?

The Building on Quality Awards celebrate excellence in construction, recognising individuals and teams for outstanding project results. These awards highlight quality, safety, and innovation in construction, setting a benchmark for the industry. Each year, they bring together professionals to acknowledge hard work, commitment, and contributions.

Gilly Carr’s Remarkable Achievement

Gilly Carr’s recognition as the Overall Winner marks a significant milestone for him and John Burke Associates. His dedication to maintaining the highest quality standards and attention to detail earns him this honour. As a Senior Clerk of Works, Gilly ensures all projects under his supervision meet rigorous standards.

Commitment to Quality at John Burke Associates

Quality drives everything at John Burke Associates. Our team delivers projects that exceed client expectations, adhering to high safety and innovation standards. Gilly’s achievement underscores our commitment to these values, showcasing our professionals’ calibre.

Looking Forward

The recognition at the Building on Quality Awards inspires everyone at John Burke Associates. It reinforces our belief in quality and encourages us to strive for excellence. We are incredibly proud of Gilly Carr and all our team members who make our projects successful.

Join Us in Celebrating

Join us in celebrating this fantastic achievement. Gilly Carr’s success reminds us of what hard work, dedication, and a pursuit of quality can accomplish. As we look forward, we remain committed to these values and delivering exceptional project results. If you need assistance on your next project, speak to our award-winning team at John Burke Associates today.

Senior Clerk of Works
Fire Safety Regulations for Residential Buildings

Fire Safety Regulations for Residential Buildings

Starting 30 September 2026, a pivotal change will reshape the landscape of residential construction in England. All new residential buildings reaching 18 metres or above are mandated to incorporate a second staircase. This groundbreaking decision follows meticulous consideration of the responses garnered from a consultation on the fire safety guidance of the building regulations, known as Approved Document B.

The Genesis of Change

The consultation, which unfolded between December 2022 and March 2023, attracted 285 responses, reflecting a broad spectrum of perspectives. Its primary focus was the potential integration of second staircases in new residential edifices of 18 metres and upwards, across England. Originally, the government proposed a threshold of 30 metres for this architectural inclusion. However, this suggestion met with diverse opinions; while 25% of respondents aligned with the proposal, a notable 48% opposed it.

A Closer Look at the Responses

Among the detractors, 5% advocated for the absence of any threshold, signalling a more stringent stance on fire safety measures. Meanwhile, opinions varied significantly regarding the ideal threshold, with suggestions ranging from as low as 11 metres to as high as 60 metres. Despite the contention, a consensus leaned towards the establishment of a threshold, underscoring a collective drive towards enhancing resilience and bolstering public confidence in building safety.

A Responsive Framework

Acknowledging the feedback, the government has set the wheels in motion for the adoption of the new guidance by 30 September 2026. Building applications henceforth will need to align with these updated regulations, ensuring a two-staircase design for qualifying structures. Applications that fail to meet this criterion will have a grace period of 18 months for construction commencement, providing a buffer for adaptation to these changes.

Industry Reactions

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has warmly received this update, recognising it as a vital step forward in the pursuit of a safer built environment. Jack Pringle, the chair of RIBA’s board, lauded the initiative but also highlighted areas for further improvement, including the need for a second fire-fighting shaft and evacuation lifts, both critical for emergency operations.

Looking Ahead

This regulation marks the beginning of a broader conversation on fire safety in residential buildings. The government’s forthcoming response to other facets of the consultation, such as the proposal to install sprinklers in care homes and the revamp of the national classifications system for construction products, is anticipated. As we stand on the cusp of these transformative changes, the commitment to a safer, more resilient built environment remains unwavering, with the collective aim of safeguarding lives and enhancing public trust in the structures that define our urban landscape. If you need guidance on your next project contact the team at John Burke Associates today.

Building Safety Act 2022

Building Safety Act 2022

As we edge past the six-month transition period for Higher Risk Buildings (HRBs), a recent study by NBS sheds light on a significant industry challenge. It reveals that half of the professionals are still in the dark about their responsibilities under the Building Safety Act 2022. This lack of clarity poses a considerable risk to the industry’s ability to adapt and comply with new regulations.

A Call for Better Understanding

The findings are a wake-up call. Only a fifth of those surveyed feel ‘very clear’ on their duties concerning Higher Risk Buildings (HRBs). Such uncertainty underlines the urgent need for enhanced awareness and education. Russell Haworth, CEO of Byggfakta Group, echoes this sentiment. He recalls Dame Judith Hackitt’s firm message on the inevitability of regulatory change. The industry must grasp the intricacies of the Building Safety Act to uplift building safety standards.

The Golden Thread of Building Information

Another pressing issue is the management of the Golden Thread of Information. Less than half of the respondents understand how to maintain essential safety-related building information. A mere 10% have a concrete strategy in place. This gap in understanding and planning is alarming. Dr Stephen Hamil stresses the importance of a continuous, accessible flow of information to uphold safety throughout a building’s lifecycle.

The Role of Robust Specifications

Specifications play a pivotal role in ensuring safety from the design phase. They are crucial for demonstrating compliance with Building Regulations. The Building Safety Act, as Hamil points out, offers a chance for the industry to assert control over design and construction processes. Effective specification writing is fundamental to preventing substandard construction.

Moving Forward with Consistency

If you require assistance with your respective duties contact John Burke Associates today. We provide expertise and support to ensure clients comply with their statutory obligations. Furthermore, we believe in delivering a collaborative service and ultimately gaining the client’s trust and commitment. Therefore, our clerks of works division undertake a systematic and vigilant inspection of construction works in progress. This includes workmanship, materials and compliance to standards.