Project Management & Employer’s Agent Services

Our collaborative project management team work proactively to implement and deliver a successful project that realises the client’s aspirations. In addition, we also deliver the Employers Agent Role under Design & Build forms of contract. This often creates team synergy, resulting in an outcome greater than their individual parts.

Project Management Services

This discipline compliments our Building and Quantity Surveying divisions, in that it provides sound technical support to the management functions at both pre and post contract stages of a construction project.

John Burke Associates are able to organise the delivery of our services by applying a variety of Project Management methodologies and process models.

Our Employer’s Agent services can include:

John Burke Associates provide independent advice on all matters of technical and management functions from inception to completion and operation. We offer an informed and comprehensive Employer’s Agent service, where our Project Managers and Surveyors are highly skilled in liaising and managing construction and project teams.

  • Instructions in respect of variations, changes, confirmation of information and consents, opening up works for inspection, instruct procedure to be adopted in respect of antiquities found on site, advising on conflicts within the contract documentation, value instructions including the effects of postponement of design and/or construction works, including any loss and/or expense and the like.
  • Reparation of Employer’s Requirements documentation in association with the Client and other consultants.
  • Instructions in respect of expenditure of provisional sums.
  • Interim payment Certificates for valuations of works and materials on and off site.
  • Certificates of Practical Completion and accompanying schedules of defective works.
  • Statements identifying the part or parts of the works taken into early possession by the Employer.
  • Certificates of Making Good Defects at end of defects liability period or at completion of defects (whichever is the latter).
  • Final Payment Certificate following agreement of Final Statement of Account with contractor and certificate at end of Defects Liability Period.