Quantity Surveying & Cost Consultancy Services

We provide a range of services to establish cost certainty and value for money. Providing advice potential risks and liabilities, and the optimisation of recourses to achieve a quality product.

Quantity Surveying & Cost Consultancy Services

Our expertise and services provide a comprehensive approach to construction economic, risk and contractual management on expansion and diversification for any project. Some of our services include:

  • Project Approach & Procurement Advice.
  • Feasibility Cost Advice, Budget Estimates & Cost Planning.
  • Cost Tracking & Policing.
  • Value Management & Engineering.
  • Risk Management.
  • Cash Flow Forecasting.



Quantity Surveying & Cost Consultancy Products

With several different cost information and project management tools available, we can cover all aspects of cost, risk management and contractual advice and consultation on all matters regarding programme and construction. Some of our Products include:


  • Feasibilities, Budget Estimates & Cost Plans.
  • Programmes.
  • Assessment of Building Reinstatement Cost for Insurance Purposes.
  • Risk Assessments & Appraisals.
  • Financial Project Monitoring Reports.
  • Construction Phase Financial Control & Reports.
  • Construction Valuation Reports.